About General Reproduction Products

General Reproduction is the dream turned success of Bill Alexander. From our humble beginning as a garage-based business in 1964, we have grown to occupy a 10,000 square foot office and warehouse space in Mahwah, NJ and serve the quad-state (NY/NJ/CT/PA) area.

As a young mechanical engineer, Bill Alexander befriended Bob Neeb (inventor of the Diazit blueprint [white print] copier) and together, they gained the distributorship of the “Diazit SpaceSaver” white printer in the New York/New Jersey, metro area. After several years of steady growth, General Reproduction Products opened a branch office in Bridgeport, PA. In the 1970’s we became a leading distributor of Xerox with the introduction of Xerox Wide Format Copiers. Several years later, Oce was recognized as the leader in the wide format business, and General Reproduction Products became one of the leading distributors. We have thrived in the booming economical years, persevered through recessions and will continue to provide our products and services for many years to come.